Louis Zamperini Circa 1998, Nagano Winter Olympics
As the 2024 Paris Olympics approach, it’s important to remember Louis Zamperini and his amazing accomplishments.
Just four days before his 81st birthday in 1998, Louis was back in Japan. He ran a leg in the Olympic Torch relay for the Winter Olympics in Nagano, which was close to the POW camp where he had been held.
If you are an educator, it’s important that you know the Unbroken Curriculum teaches students lessons on Resilience, Hope, Compassion, Empathy, and Forgiveness. What do you think could be more important today?
Our mission is to transform lives through character-building programs that teach the essential life skills of perseverance and resilience by demonstrating courage, forgiveness, hope, and compassion. Our goal is to make this instruction available to all secondary schools across our country to give our kids the tools and resources needed to live productive and successful lives.
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To purchase the Unbroken Curriculum Master Series, which includes 35 instructional videos and support Word and PDF documents, please visit https://www.unbrokencurriculum.org/master-series. Cost $199.00
HELP A CLASSROOM: There are many disadvantaged communities across our country unable to afford the cost of books or a new curriculum. Your gift, large or small, will bring both books and educational materials to our kids. You can do this by visiting https://www.Zamperini.org/donate
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